What if I think my interview isn’t going well?

Written by Lindsay Henry, MD

Throughout your interview season, you will encounter interviews that you feel are not going well, but before you worry, here are some tips to keep a level head.

● Stay calm

○ Remember that this feeling is subjective. Just because it may feel this way to you, doesn’t necessarily mean this is the case. The best thing you can do is keep going, give it your best, and reflect later. You likely only have a few minutes for each interview and remember this is just one of several for that program.

● Ask questions and try to re-engage your interviewer

○ This is where it is important to read up in advance on your interviewers if possible. It is ideal to have an arsenal of topics prepared for each person you speak with. Ask GOOD and pertinent questions to show that you did your research. Remember you can always shift the conversation and try to get them to re-engage.

● Break the ice

○ Small talk is OK in interviews, but it can sometimes seem even more forced now that they are mostly virtual. Interviewers still expect conversation and small talk, especially once all of the formal questions have been asked. Just whatever small talk you make, try to keep it genuine and relaxed.

● Reflect and move on

○ Think about how things could have gone differently. Was it the program, the interviewer, you? What was it that made you feel bad about the interview? Were they not laughing at your jokes? Did you feel they were disinterested? Could you just not get a good read on them?

○ Just know that it isn't always you. Interviewers have different styles and personalities. You shouldn’t take it personally. Have a game plan for next time. Reflect and decide if there was anything different you could have done - if the answer is no, move on. If you feel like there is something to be learned, then take it, and move on.


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