Prepping for the Unexpected

Written by Sawyer Bawek, DO

I prepped for work the morning of the Buffalo Blizzard like I would prep any other day. I had lunch, a backpack filled with a couple of snacks, coffee, and medical supplies needed for seeing patients. I had heard that the upcoming storm would produce a little more snow than typical, but I had not paid much attention to the weather report. The day was busy seeing patients and I had caught some glimpses of the weather outside that looked like it was becoming worse. A couple of hours later, the speaker announced overhead “Code Triage: External Natural Catastrophe”. This announcement meant all hands on deck until reinforcements arrived at the hospital. Here are some extra emergency items I wish I would have had prepared and brought with me before leaving for work that day. 

I now have a duffle bag in my car full of the following items:

  1. Extra set of clothes (pair of scrubs, socks, etc..)

  2. Bathroom Hygiene kit (Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, etc..)

  3. Bottled Water and bottled Caffeinated drinks or k-cups

  4. Protein bars and snacks, (trail mix, granola bars, etc.)

  5. Extra phone charger and computer charger

  6. Headphones

  7. Pajamas

  8. Sweatshirt and extra warm clothing

Items to also keep in the Car:

  1. Warm blanket

  2. Air mattress or sleeping bag

  3. Pillow

  4. Shovel (For Those Living in Colder Climates)

It is also important to monitor the weather channel and check the forecast frequently. This will not only keep you prepared for unexpected weather but also help you anticipate any expected delays with your commute to work. 

If you get stuck at the hospital during severe weather, make sure to keep in close contact with friends and family. Work collaboratively with your colleagues as a team and look out for one another! Also, make sure to reach out to friends and family, they will be there for support. 


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